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Castle of Grajal de Campos

Castle of Grajal de Campos

Location added to Travel Journal
Region: Adescas
City: Grajal de Campos
BIC date: June 3rd, 1931
Historical facts:

Fachada Castillo

This construction emerges dominating Grajal Lowland. This castle is a square based construction with robust circular angles in its corners and low height so that its design could let the use of artillery.

This castle might be one of the most advanced constructions in its period and the work was commissioned by the Italian architect Lorenzo de Adonza, who used the new Renaissance trends of fortification. Because of that, it became the first gunner castle in Spain and it was also a great influence for the later fortified architecture.

It had been existed as a Roman fortification. There was a castle in Grajal in 967. It is a Gothic military work, a gunner fortification in 16th century, built during Hernando de Vega, Comendador Mayor de Castilla (Great Commander of Castilla). His son, Juan de Vega, was the first Conde de Grajal.

The castle is a three-storey building; it was isolated with a ditch, a drawbridge and a front door. It also had got a prison, destroyed in 1836. It has got pockets and a canyon from the period.


  • Dirección: Grajal de Campos CP: 24340
  • Teléfono: 987784506 (Ayuntamiento)
  • Horario: Es una propiedad privada. Solicitar entrada en el Ayuntamiento.
    • Julio y Agosto
      • De miércoles a domingo y festivos de 10.00 a 13.30 y de 16.30 a 20.30 horas
    • Septiembre y Semana Santa
      • De miércoles a domingo y festivos de 10.00 a 14.00 y de 16.00 a 19.30 horas